Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blog Post 2: Handheld Devices

Foreign language classes are one of the main specialties that set upper schools apart from elementary, and thus are an important aspect of the entire school. With a $10,000 technology budget for handheld devices, I would start by purchasing MP3 players for the foreign language, as well as other departments, to use. Students could check out video MP3 players preloaded with language games and videos for home practice. This could help students practice pronunciation in a non-threatening environment away from the classroom. It also would be a great tool to get reluctant students to study more. Aside from foreign language use, MP3 players could also be loaded with English vocabulary games for ESL/ELL students, math games, or even scientific information. Teachers could load podcasts for students to listen to (their own or found), presentations a student missed in class, or many other types of information. Video capable MP3 players can run from $150 to $300 per player. If we were to purchase 40 MP3 players, enough for two small classes or one large class plus extras, at approximately $200 per player, $8,000 of my budget would be used.

Another resource I would like to integrate into my technology budget was not mentioned or even available at the time the Courtney text was published. I would like to purchase several Playaways, which range in price from $34.99 to $79.99 for young adult titles, for the library. For approximately $1,475 of my remaining budget, 15 to18 Playaways could be purchased. These are a good addition to a middle school/junior high/high school library because they are cool and technology based, but students can only listen to the one audio book. Playaways are easier and smaller than dealing with sets of CDs for students who like listening to books, or may have a difficult time with reading. I feel these would be a great way to get some reluctant readers more interested in attempting to read actual books on similar topics or by the same author as well.

With my remaining $525, I would like to purchase three Flip video cameras. The least expensive video camera is $150 and it is $25 for the rechargeable battery pack to go with each. I feel these would be a great asset to the library as well as the school for students to use with creative classroom projects. Teachers could heck out one or all three cameras and have groups record performances, create video content for projects, or even record interviews to show what has been learned in a certain amount of time.

Overall, I feel these would be good investments for an upper school library and the entire school society to benefit from.

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